The female body’s ‘second clock’
We’ve heard of the circadian rhythm – that’s our body’s natural 24 hour sleep-wake cycle. But have you heard of the female infradian rhythm?
The infradian rhythm is the 28-day cycle those with female biochemistry have that controls the menstrual cycle. It also affects other systems like metabolism, cognitive function, immune system, and gut health.
There are four phases of this cycle (the follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstrual) and each phase creates normal fluctuations in hormones, body temperature, sleep and emotions.
While this is all normal and natural, the problem lies in our tendency to try and work against our natural infradian rhythm, based on evidence created using male research subjects. This ends up creating negative hormonal cascades in women and a continuous battle to fit ourselves into health and fitness practices that are based on male biology.
For example, studies done on intermittent fasting showing their amazing benefits used men and post-menopausal women as the research studies. Women in their fertile years are often not included in this research because the hormonal fluctuations makes them ‘too complex’. It may be worth considering working with the nuances of your body’s natural rhythm when it comes to your health and fitness.
How to work with your body instead of against it
I was first introduced to Cycle Syncing and the creator of my favorite cycle-tracking app, MyFlo by a baby whisperer (midwife) a few years ago.
You can listen to the founder of MyFlo, Alisa Vitti talk hormone health in this podcast episode
I didn’t really fully buy in to changing my training around my cycle because things weren’t “that bad”. I’d pop ibuprofen every 4 hours on the dot to make my cramps tolerable during my menstrual phase just to avoid vomiting from pain… but it wasn’t “that bad”.
Really, just normal period stuff as we’re taught to believe.
This past year, on the heels of 2020’s dumpster fire & battling burnout, I invested in the help of a Naturopathic Doctor to help me put the health puzzle together a bit better.
The conversation about my period was something I came out of with approximately 99 lightbulbs. All of these things I deemed ‘normal’ were, in fact signals from my body that things weren’t working optimally.
Over the last few months, I’ve been working hard on tuning in to my body’s signs more and have noticed a definite improvement in energy, less bloating, and more comfortable periods.
So, if you’ve never heard of or never tried tuning in to your body’s rhythm… read below for how to begin!
Start Here
Step 1 – In order to work with your body, you first have to trust your body and second have to have patience with your body. Often, these issues take years to develop and so the solution will take some time as well (so worth it!).
Step 2 – Use a cycle-tracking app to figure out what phase you’re in and follow guidelines for training, food and work to harness your natural biorhythm.
Step 3 – If nothing else, PLEASE use your menstrual phase to de-load your training program and incorporate more low-intensity exercise (I talk about what to do instead in the post linked below!)
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